Ketogenic diet, start well!

As I told you, before you start: INQUIRE!
With a nutritionist, naturopath, doctor...
And to help you:
Books to start off on the right foot!
For my part, I learned a lot and better understood the effects of food on the body and our metabolism. I better understood the interest of returning to a healthier diet, with good products.
Less but better...
And above all... awareness...
About what we put on our plates.
On what is supposedly good for health.
On the effects on our body....
And then, I deepened, and was interested in the HYPOTOXIC KETOGENE diet?!
What is this term ??
KETOGENE : Carbohydrates are drastically reduced in favor of lipids. (the ratios = 70-80% lipids?, 15-20% proteins and 5-10% carbohydrates)
HYPOTOXIC : meat consumption is reduced and dairy products are excluded.
Keto + hypotoxic = stop eating products our body is not prepared for!!
Yes, I know, it's barbaric... it's just the way our grandparents ate...
Go... A little reading!
These 2 books offer ketogenic recipes, plus everything you need to get started.
These 2 books offer hypotoxic ketogenic recipes. I recommend them to you once you have mastered the subject a little..
With these 4 books, you already have a good base.
Most important ? Go at your own pace, and let your body adapt.
And yes, the ketogenic diet is not a diet. It's a lifestyle !
And then... No stress, no panic. We eat burgers or pizzas, pancakes and desserts...
It's just the ingredients that differ!
Back to basics, what!
In the next post, I will give you the sites that inspire me and where I will pick up great recipes.
....../ be continued
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